The Story So Far...

Don't have time to read the whole history of the X-Men? Let me break it down for you...

In the beginning, Professor Charles Xavier founded the School for Gifted Youngsters as a way of training young mutants – people born with special abilities thanks to an X-gene that gives them X-tra power – in the use of their abilities, and to make the world safe against those mutants who would hurt humans. Their stusent body doubles as the superhero team known as the X-Men, comprised of team leader Cyclops (Scott Summers), Angel (Warren Worthington III), Iceman (Bobby Drake), Beast (Hank McCoy) and Marvel Girl (Jean Grey). Their first foe is Magneto, a terrorist with the ability to control all metallic objects, whom they thwart in his attempt to commandeer nuclear warheads from the United States military base at Cape Citadel. Their second foe is the The Vanisher, who seeks to unite the criminal underground under his charismatic leadership and thieving capabilities. Their third foe is The Blob, an overweight circus attraction.

On numerous occasions, they overcome Magneto’s attempts to subjugate the human race, exact revenge on the X-Men specifically, create supermutants, establish a base on an asteroid, or increase the membership in his fledgling Brotherhood of Mutants (dubbed the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants by their opponents.) However, he is typically not defeated by the X-Men’s abilities as superheroes, but by the treachery or incompetence of his own allies (Toad, Mastermind, and the reluctant villains Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch, who owe Magneto their lives, in more than one way.) Ultimately he is abducted from Earth by The Stranger, a cosmic being whose power he had sought to use for his own ends, but whose abilities and morality were far beyond mortal understanding. You win some, you lose some.

Prior to his time with the X-Men, Charles had spent years travelling the globe, which is where his other passion, and the other cause of the X-Men, was fomented – aliens. It was during this time that Xavier met the villainous Lucifer, an extraterrestrial agent stationed on Earth with the mission to strip humanity of its free will and make them slaves of his race. Combatting aliens in various forms would go on to be a stated part of the X-Men’s mission from there on.

Also of concern is Xavier’s stepbrother Cain Marko – not a mutant, but empowered by the mystical gem of Cytorrak as a “human Juggernaut,” (or simply The Juggernaut) a being of immense physical strength whose helmet protects him from Xavier’s mental powers – who harbours a lifelong hatred for the Professor and possesses a criminal streak.

As humankind becomes increasingly aware of the presence of – and potential threat posed by – mutants, the need to take action rises. Anthropologist (yes, anthropologist) Bolivar Trask has commissioned the creation of the Sentinels, oversized robots designed to hunt and combat mutants on behalf of humankind. Unfortunately, the Sentinels overthrow their human creators, bowing instead to the leadership of their “Master Mold” who will stop at nothing to fulfill their mission to “protect humanity,” up to an including dominating the human race themselves. While the X-Men are held captive, Trask sacrifices himself to destroy the Sentinel complex once and for all, with the truth never to be known.

Having formally graduated from “school,” the X-Men do battle with a variety of threats, both mutant and non, from a returning Magneto, to Count Nefaria who plots to hold Washington, DC ransom inside a big glass dome, to the Locust, a science professor with the ability to command large mutant insects. When Cyclops decides he is not up to the task of leading the X-Men due to interpersonal conflict with Angel (over their competing affections for Marvel Girl) Professor X enlists the help of onetime foe Mimic, who possesses the ability to copy any superhuman power he encounters. Mimic, a hothead with authority issues, ultimately loses his powers in combat with the Super-Adaptoid, a robot with similar powers of his own.

The X-Men also find themselves shorthanded with Jean graduating and spending time at University, where she meets Ted Roberts, whose brother Ralph bonks his head and becomes the maniacal Cobalt Man (who will stop at nothing to kill Iron Man, who is notably not an X-Man) and who, after coming to his senses, is kidnapped into the underground war between the Mole Man and Tyrannus. It involves giant robots.

Xavier becomes aware of a major threat in Factor Three, a faction hoping to use mutants to provoke World War III between the United States and Russia; they are led by the mysterious “Mutant Master” who is in reality a cuttlefish-like alien hoping that the nuclear devastation will render Earth suitable for habitation by his race, who commits suicide when defeated. The team also meets Frankenstein's Monster, which is real, but a robot created by aliens. Afterward, the Professor transfers some of his telepathic ability to Jean, and, following a battle with a creature known as Grotesk, appears to die of an unknown illness.

Now without Xavier’s guidance, the X-Men are disbanded by their government liaison Amos “Fred” Duncan and given new identities, but quickly regroup to combat the threat of Mesmero, who unleashes the power of Magneto’s “daughter” Lorna Dane. Lorna, however, declines to join Magneto’s cause when she learns she is not, in fact, the daughter of the Master of Magnetism, and that her real parents died years ago.

The team must then rescue Cyclops’ brother Alex, a fellow mutant whose body absorbs cosmic radiation, from the Living Pharaoh, who uses the radiation to fuel his own transformation into the Living Monolith, a giant monstrified version of himself. No sooner do the X-Men win than they must contend with resurgent Sentinels, under the guidance of Trask’s son Larry – a mutant, unbeknownst to himself. The X-Men prevail when Cyclops challenges the Sentinels to fight the sun itself, as the “source of mutation.”

After encountering the vampiric were-dinosaur known as Sauron and a returning Magneto in the Savage Land (an area of Antarctica untouched since prehistoric times) the X-Men return home to find Professor Xavier, having faked his death (using former Factor Three agent Changeling as a stand-in) to spend time studying the threat posed by the Z’nox, an alien race devoid of empathy. The X-Men combine their powers, plus those of Lorna Dane, Alex (now occasionally known as Havok) and the Professor’s own psychic abilities to ward off the Z’nox.

Following this success, the group enters a period of inactivity, during which Beast separates from the team and, due to a scientific experiment, transforms into a blue-furred gorilla thing, later joining the Avengers. The remaining team-members are eventually trapped on the mysterious island of Krakoa, causing Professor X to scour the world for a new team of mutants to band together and rescue his original students. They include previous foes Banshee (who had worked with the X-Men to help take down Factor Three after defecting from them) and Sunfire, Canadian operative Wolverine, from Kenya the weather-controlling Storm, the steel-skinned Russian Colossus, teleporting demon acrobat Nightcrawler form Germany, and Thunderbird, an Apache warrior with enhanced speed and strength. These new recruits liberate the original X-Men and defeat the mutant responsible – Krakoa itself, a mutant island that walks like a man – before returning.

In the aftermath, Angel, Iceman, Havok and Lorna opt to leave the X-Men once and for all, leaving Cyclops to lead the new recruits, with Jean later returning in support of her man. Sunfire also bows out, but nobody misses him. On their first mission, to liberate NORAD Command at Cheyenne Mountain from Count Nefaria who has seized control of it with the help of his Ani-Men, Thunderbird dies trying to break through the cockpit of Nefaria’s plane from the outside, the kind of plan that really makes you wonder what step 2 was. Upon the arrival of housekeeper and personal friend of Xavier (and brilliant scientist in her own right) Moira MacTaggart, the mansion is overrun by demons released from an otherworldly cairn that had been situated on the school grounds this entire time (unleashed by Cyclops in his grief and guilt over Thunderbird’s death.) They are seemingly all sent back from whence they came by Storm’s unleashing the full fury of her power due to an attack of her claustrophobia.

The X-Men are kidnapped to a satellite base by Stephen Lang, creator of the latest model of Sentinels, which are designed to mimic the original X-Men. Once he is defeated, Jean has no option but to pilot the X-Men’s spacecraft back to Earth through a deadly solar storm, taking her telekinetic abilities to their limits to shield the craft from the radiation. She seemingly dies in the landing, but bursts from the waters of the Jamaica Bay declaring herself to be a new woman, fire and life incarnate, Phoenix. She is taken immediately to the hospital and later gets an apartment with Private Investigator Misty Knight.

Throughout this time, Xavier has been receiving visions of an otherworldly race, specifically the Shi’ar Princess Lilandra, who is seeking him because of a psychic connection she felt when Xavier defeated the Z’noxx. Despite the efforts of a Shi’ar agent named Shikari – garbed in disguise as Eric the Red, an identity Cyclops had adopted when infiltrating Mesmero and Magneto’s organization – who is tasked with preventing the Rebel Princess from reaching Earth, they make contact, but this is short-lived before Shikari apprehends her and brings her to the nameless world where her brother, the Emperor D’Ken plans to use the M’kraan Crystal to consolidate his power over the galaxy. Unfortunately, as happens to most evil schemes, this goes awry and the crystal threatens to destroy all that lives, until Phoenix is able to use her power to repair the delicate lattice within the crystal and restore the balance of life.

Soon after, the X-Men are kidnapped by Mesmero and forced to perform as circus acts, but his scheme is soon hijacked by Magneto, who brings the team to his Antarctic volcano base, where he chains them into chairs that mentally reduce them to infancy (which is something that had happened to him at the hands of his own creation Alpha, the Ultimate Mutant.) The X-Men are able to free themselves, but in the process the base is destroyed. Beast, who had been investigating the team’s disappearance, and Phoenix, believe their friends dead, while the X-Men, who have escaped into the Savage Land, believe the same of the others. In his grief, Professor X joins Lilandra in space and Phoenix travels the world.

The X-Men return to New York by way of Japan and then Canada, with Banshee losing his sonic scream in a fight against Moses Magnum and Wolverine nearly being returned to his Canadian compatriots in Alpha Flight but escaping at the last minute. They escape from Murderworld – a homicidal amusement park run by killer-for-hire Arcade – before reuniting with Jean, Havok, Lorna and Moira on Muir Island to combat the threat of Proteus, a reality-warping psychic mutant with no body of his own who must possess others to survive - who is also Moira's son. Despite a heavy mental and emotional toll, the X-Men persevere and Colossus kills Proteus, to whom all metal is deadly. Professor Xavier returns from his trip to space and begins bossing everyone around.

Around this time, Jean begins to experience strange timeslips – visions that put her in a Regency romance setting, in the life of a noblewoman being romanced by a roguish man named Jason Wyngarde. The X-Men find themselves the targets of an evil cabal of villains called the Inner Circle of the Hellfire Club, of which Wyngarde (in reality old foe Mastermind) is a member. His plot is to seduce Jean and take her power for his own, but unlocking the darkness within backfires as the X-Men rout the Hellfire Club then find themselves at the mercy of Jean’s latest incarnation – Dark Phoenix.

After handily defeating her former friends, Jean travels the Galaxy in search of the limit of her power. To satiate her hunger, she devours the energy of a star, which obliterates an inhabited world in its orbit, branding her a criminal in the Shi’ar Empire, now presided over by Lilandra. Jean is narrowly brought back from the dark side after a tense battle with her friends but is forced by the Shi’ar to stand trial for her crimes in a duel of honor pitting the X-Men against the Shi’ar’s Imperial Guard. The X-Men lose and the sight of Cyclops almost dying causes Jean to become Dark Phoenix once more. In recognition that every day would be a struggle to overcome the darkness within her, she sacrifices herself and dies there by her own hand.

In his grief, Cyclops leaves the X-Men, replaced by Storm as leader. The team is now joined by young Kitty Pryde, an eager 13-year-old girl who can walk through solid objects, and is also a computer genius. Her consciousness is swapped with her older self from a future where mutants are persecuted to near extinction and America is overrun by the Sentinels following a chain of events seemingly set in motion by the assassination of Senator Robert Kelly by Mystique’s new Brotherhood of Mutants. The team thwarts this, but the older Kate must sadly return to an alternate future in which most of her friends have died in battle with the Sentinels. Younger Kitty proves her mettle by destroying one of the demons that was left behind from the earlier attack by firing on it with the X-Men’s jet’s afterburner like in "the movie."

In his travels, Cyclops, along with Lee Forrester, captain of the trawler Arcadia on which Scott had been serving, washes ashore on a mysterious island that is home to Magneto. He plans to force the world’s governments into nuclear disarmament in the name of mutantkind, and in the process of doing so sinks a Soviet Submarine (The Leningrad) that had fired on him. In further retaliation, he buries the Siberian city of Varykino in lava, although the city had been evacuated in time. The X-Men arrive and stop him, and in the process, we learn that he is an Auschwitz survivor, and that he had a wife who left him when he killed some Secret Policemen who killed their daughter. He leaves, and the X-Men decide to take up residence on the island. From there, Colossus’ younger sister Illyana is abducted into Limbo by the demon lord Belasco. The X-Men attempt to rescue her but in so doing she is aged to 13 years old and emerges traumatized and darkened, as well as – we later learn – sorceress-queen of Limbo. Storm is briefly made a vampire and consort to Dracula who, like Dr. Doom before him, is enamored of the windrider.

The X-Men are embroiled in a plot by Lilandra’s sister Deathbird to steal the throne of the Shi’ar, and team up with the Starjammers – a team of interstellar pirates led by Corsair, who is Cyclops’ father – to stop it. Soon afterward, however, they are kidnapped by Deathbird’s allies, the Brood, insectoid aliens who want to use the mutants as vessels for Brood Queens. The X-Men overcome this, destroying the Brood Queen and neutralizing the eggs within them with the help of Carol Danvers – recently depowered as Ms. Marvel by Mystique’s foster daughter Rogue, but re-empowered by the Brood’s genetic experiments – as well as Storm, who has gained commune with the Acanti, the ancient race of space-whales that the Brood lobotomize into acting as their vessels. Upon returning to Earth, the X-Men discover that Charles has formed a new team of students called the New Mutants. He has also been infected with a Brood Queen, but when his body dies they use Starjammer medical technology to clone him a new one. He remains a jerk.

The X-Men encounter a society of underground-dwelling mutant outcasts called the Morlocks, and Storm is only able to save Kitty’s life from them by facing their leader Callisto in a duel, which she wins by stabbing Callisto through the heart (she gets better.) Rogue, formerly of the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, joins the team after accidentally absorbing too much of Carol Danvers’ psyche, in hopes that Professor X can help her. Wolverine takes a trip to Japan and becomes engaged to his recent love interest Lady Mariko after killing her dishonorable crimelord father. The rest of the team join him there, where Storm is inspired by Wolverine's associate Yukio to undergo a stylistic transformation from an untouchable weather goddess to a mohawked punk rocker. Kitty reacts poorly. Mariko is convinced by sinister forces to call off the wedding.

Scott meets a woman named Madelyne Pryor, a pilot who looks exactly like Jean. He becomes convinced that she is Jean, the Dark Phoenix, reborn, but it turns out just to have been Mastermind’s trick. They get married and fly off to a honeymoon, where they are attacked by a giant squid.

The X-Men, less Kitty but plus Cyclops (and Magneto) are transported to a mysterious alien world by a mysterious godlike being called the Beyonder, to team up with other Marvel Heroes against big Marvel Villains. There, Colossus falls in love with an alien woman named Zsaji, who dies. When he returns to Earth, he breaks off his nascent relationship with Kitty. Rogue is tasked with breaking Carol Danvers’ ex-boyfriend, Michael Rossi, out of a SHIELD hellicarrier prison, becoming an enemy of the state in doing so. Mystique, in the guise of DoD employee Raven Darkholme, hires a man named Forge (a mutant with the ability to create fabulous inventions) to create a gun that can de-power superbeings, under the premise of combatting alien invaders called Dire Wraiths. It is aimed at Rogue, but Storm takes the hit, stripping her of her weather-controlling powers seemingly permanently. Depressed, she takes refuge at Forge’s penthouse in Dallas, where they grow close until she learns the truth about his role in developing the depowering ray. However, in the midst of a freak snowstorm, the two must team up with the X-Men, Nightcrawler's sorceress girlfriend Amanda Sefton, Illyana Rasputin and Forge’s mentor Naze, to defeat the Dire Wraiths, although another magical force makes its presence felt at this time as well.

The X-Men are joined by Rachel, a telepathic and telekinetic mutant who has come to the past from the previously-mentioned Sentinel-ruled alternate future to escape the fate that befell the rest of her friends and family. A former “hound” – a mutant used to hunt other mutants – she comes to the attention of Selene, a millennia-old mutant vampire who wants to make her an apprentice. Unbeknownst to all at first, she is the daughter of Cyclops and Jean Grey, who, in her timeline, lived. A new model of Sentinel from the Rachel's time named Nimrod appears and gains public approval by doling out a vicious brand of justice and appearing to have an anti-mutant agenda. Anti-mutant sentiment is on the rise and Xavier – who has regained the ability to walk thanks to his cloned body and a course of physiotherapy – is brutally attacked outside of a university seminar he has been teaching. The efforts to save him leave him strained and in ill-health. Storm goes on a journey of self-discovery.

The Beyonder returns and tours Earth, which sends interim leader Nightcrawler on an existential spiral of doubt. Magneto, seeking to atone for his previous, violent ways and resume his friendship with Xavier that pre-dates the X-Men, begins to assist the team. However, he remains a target for the Government, which has hired Mystique’s Brotherhood of Evil Mutants – now acting as the officially-sanctioned “Freedom Force” – to bring him in. He surrenders and agrees to stand trial. The trial is thrown out, however, when the proceedings are attacked by Fenris, the children of Magneto's and Xavier's old enemy Baron Strucker. Amidst the proceedings, Xavier nearly dies and is brought to space by Lilandra to heal, and is unfortunately not able to come back, leaving Magneto in charge. Cyclops, objecting to this new paradigm, challenges a returning but still-depowered Storm to a duel for leadership, despite having a wife and newborn son to worry about. Storm wins and Cyclops goes home, but eventually forms a new group called X-Factor with his fellow original X-Men, including Jean Grey, who, as it turns out, was not dead, but in stasis in Jamaica Bay while the cosmic entity known as the Phoenix impersonated her, leaving her blameless for Dark Phoenix's atrocities.

Meanwhile, Rachel, who has taken the name Phoenix, swears revenge on the Beyonder, nearly undoing her mother's the original Phoenix's work in repairing the M'Kraan Crystal and destroying the universe to do so, but eventually reversing course when she realizes that life is great. The Beyonder just kind of leaves. 

Wolverine is attacked by an old associate named Lady Deathstrike who has teamed up with his adversaries Cole, Reese and Macon (former Hellfire Goons who have struck out on their own with cybernetic enhancements) in a battle that leaves him near death. Rachel, who is on the outs with the team because of nearly ending the Universe out of spite for the Beyonder, and plagued by nightmarish visions of her own death at the hands of Wolverine, decides to take her fight back to Selene but when interrupted by the ailing real-world Wolverine she refuses to desist so he takes the measure of running her through with his claws, seemingly killing her. The search for her brings the X-Men into conflict with a revenge-minded Hellfire Club. While Rachel dances off into another dimension, the X-Men and the Hellfire Club must join forces against Nimrod, whom they nearly defeat but escapes at the last minute.

The team is still reeling from this when the their sometime-allies the Morlocks are attacked by a group of deadly mercenaries called the Marauders. The battle leaves Nightcrawler, Kitty and Colossus injured and near death; they are brought to Muir Island to convalesce. The team adds new members in Psylocke (a cultured British telepath and sister of Captain Britain), Longshot (a himbo refugee from the TV-planet Mojoworld whose power is a supernatural luckiness), Dazzler, the mutant disco diva, a returning Havok, whose girlfriend Polaris is possessed by the Marauder known as Malice (an evil ghost that lives in a necklace) and eventually, Cyclops' non-mutant wife Madelyne Pryor, who has been a target of the Marauders.

Storm decides the time is finally right to seek out Forge and work with him to restore her powers, but she is informed by Forge's mentor Naze that he has turned evil and is working with the mythical being known as the Adversary to bring about the end of all creation. Storm agrees to kill Forge to prevent this, unaware that "Naze" is, in fact, the Adversary in disguise, hoping to stop Forge from preventing his plans. It works. Forge and Storm are whisked away to an alternate Earth where they surmise they are meant to be Adam and Eve. 

Destiny of the Freedom Force has visions that the X-Men will die in Dallas at Eagle Plaza. They go anyway in search of Storm. On the other Earth, Forge and Storm deny their chance to start again and instead successfully restore Storm's powers and return to Earth, only to fall into the Adversary's clutches. Colossus rejoins the team, his strength enhanced but struggling to revert to his human form. His steel is able to destroy the Adversary's human guise, but only a spell cast by Forge, which requires the X-Men to sacrifice their life energies, can truly defeat him. They do, and the world watches them sacrifice their lives. However, they are immediately resurrected by the cosmic being Roma, who had been charged with defending reality against the Adversary, as thanks for their assistance. She agrees to send them back to Earth anywhere and anytime they want, in secret, and arrive in Australia, where they take up in the former headquarters of a cyborg gang called the Reavers. They are gifted by Roma with an ability to be invisible to any technological sensors, as well as a gem called the Siege Perilous, which opens a doorway that gives a new life to anyone who goes through. The X-Men think maybe someday they'd take advantage of that.

From there the team fights off a Brood invasion and works to liberate the mutants of Genosha, an island nation that cruelly presses mutants into slavery. All the while, Madelyne Pryor has come into contact with the demons S'ym and N'astirh, who hope to use her grief over being abandoned and having her infant son kidnapped, to empower her to help with their plans to rule Limbo and Earth. Soon after forging her pact with the demons, however, she learns of the reason she was targeted by Sinister in the first place: she is a clone of the original Jean Grey, designed as a "brood mare" (her words) to bear Scott Summers' child in an effort for Sinister to have control of Scott's powerful offspring. This ignites a conflict between Madelyne (with the forces of Limbo who want to invade Earth), Sinister and the Marauders, and X-Factor, with the X-Men -- somewhat under Madelyne's spell -- in the middle. Madelyne is thwarted and dies, with the "Phoenix Force" integrating her into Jean's psyche. The united X-Men and X-Factor team up to defeat Sinister with the one thing that can kill him -- Cyclops' optic blasts, which he had been unable to use on the villain due to post-hypnotic conditioning (Havok prompts him to release it by slapping his brother around.)

After a little R&R, the X-Men find their numbers dwindling when Wolverine begins to spend more time on solo missions, and Rogue is accidentally whisked through the Siege Perilous in a fight with the re-constituted Mastermold/Nimrod combo. Longshot leaves to find himself and Storm is killed -- accidentally by Havok -- in battle with the mysterious super-scientist known as Nanny, who is trying to protect the X-Men from the encroaching Reavers -- now joined by Donald Pierce, Lady Deathstrike and the former Hellfire Squad of Cole, Macon and Reese. The remaining X-Men evade the Reavers by going through the Siege Perilous, but Wolverine is not so lucky, being captured, crucified and tortured by his cyborg enemies. In his darkest hour, he is visited by visions of those from his past, including Carol Danvers and Nick Fury, who stay with him as imaginary friends. Eventually, he escapes with the aid of Jubilee -- a wayward mallrat teen who has been secretly living with the X-Men for months. In the Southeast Asian port Madripoor (a city of ill repute) they reconnect with Psylocke, who has been physically transformed into a buxom Asian woman and brainwashed into a master ninja assassin in the service of the Mandarin. They deprogram her, but Jubilee remains suspicious, both because of her murder attempts and out of natural dislike for any woman who is more than a B-cup.

The remaining X-Men are scattered to the wind, often with no memory of who they were before. Dazzler confronts her crazed fan, film producer Eric Beale while Colossus settles into a quiet life as a starving artist in Manhattan's Soho neighborhood. This brings him back into conflict with the Genoshans, as he has unknowingly become roommates with fugitives Jenny Ransome and Philip Moreau.

Storm resurfaces, not dead but de-aged and living in Cairo, Il, having reverted to her childhood state as a common thief. She is being pursued by her old enemy the Shadow King, but narrowly escapes with the help of a mysterious fellow thief and newfound ally named Gambit. After a confrontation with Nanny, she regains her adult intellect and persona. Rogue re-surfaces in the Savage Land and forms a partnership with Magneto after being purged of the Carol Danvers persona once and for all due to her trip through the Siege Perilous.

Gambit and Storm link back up with what remains of the X-Men, X-Factor and the New Mutants now led by the mysterious Cable. They are attacked by forces from Genosha, which is being manipulated by ultra-racist never-dying robot-bodied former PR man Cameron Hodge. On Genosha, they are rejoined by Wolverine, Jubilee and Psylocke. With great effort they defeat Hodge, but not without some personal trials. Storm is also re-aged back to an adult body at this time.

As all the mutants return to the mansion to ponder what's next, and Rogue and Magneto battle Zaladane (and Magneto's past behavior) in the Savage Land, the reconstituted X-Men are whisked into outer space by Lila Cheney. They think they're there to help Lilandra defend her throne from Deathbird but in reality they are there to help Deathbird uncover a plot to steal the throne by Skrulls led by an impostor Xavier. They win the day, then immediately go fight the Shadow King on Muir Island. Some of them get mind-controlled but ultimately Xavier prevails against his oldest foe at a cost -- his legs are once again crippled. Nevertheless, the conflict inspires the original five X-Men to return to the fold and create a larger, more formidable unified X-Men team... only to split it in two immediately after the death of Magneto, who remains insistent to the end that his vision is superior to Xavier's, after being betrayed, one last time, by an underling.

The Gold team, led by Storm, tangles with an escaped convict from the future named Trevor as he views to win the game of "Upstarts" by killing a massive amount of named characters. He is opposed by a future cop named Bishop, who joins the X-Men (who are revered in his time) and reveals that they will soon be betrayed by one of their own, possibly Gambit. The team more or less shrugs this off. They also meet Colossus' long lost brother Mikhail, who has been living in a bizarre pocket dimension suffering guilt from the death of his followers. Forge proposes to Storm, but rescinds the offer after he has a chance to think about it.

Cyclops, leading the Blue team, develops an attraction to physically-sculpted, faux-Asian ninja assassin Psylocke, despite being more or less linked to the equally-physically-perfect Jean Grey (being that these are 1990's comics and most bodies are physically perfect). Wolverine learns that his entire history may be a lie, with some amnesia for good measure, causing great frustration to him and to readers, as he encounters figures from his past like Omega Red and Maverick. Gambit also reveals a bit about his past, that he was married and part of a clan of Thieves constantly at war with one of Assassins, but before the X-Men can learn any more about that, they have to fight the Brood, and everyone just forgets why they had come to New Orleans in the first place. 

All of which brings us to…

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