Thursday, December 28, 2023

In 2024: Support Us on Ko-Fi and get Fundraiser Posts!


I've always said it would be a hard thing to do to "monetize" Uncanny X-Cerpts. I do what I do as a hobby, a public service, and for a little bit of attention. It would be wrong to hide any of the main X-Men story behind a paywall or to ask for donations without offering anything in return. I also am dedicated to remaining ad free.

Without giving too much away, however, I do have some serious personal expenses coming up. I don't expect that this blog could fill in the gaps all the way, but I have some of your attention and I really want to try.

That's why I'm introducing Fundraiser Posts. For anyone willing to provide a Monthly Donation on Ko-Fi, you'll get access to a little bit of extra content every month. I can't promise how much, but I will try hard to give you something worthwhile in exchange for your generous support.

Consider it a modest relaunch of our old Patreon -- for any amount given, you get extras from Uncanny X-Cerpts -- give a monthly donation for permanent access or a one-time donation for 30-day access. Sounds like a bargain to me!

I'm also always open to commissioned posts (outside of the regular Uncanny and X-Men series as long as they're on Marvel Unlimited) for extra donations -- feel free to reach out to inquire.

Fundraiser posts start in January. Our first one covers The Adventures of Cyclops and Phoenix, the mini-series that details what Scott and Jean got up to on their honeymoon and how it relates to the upbringing of little baby Nate. Don't miss it on Jan 3 at Ko-Fi!

Saturday, December 23, 2023

You'll probably understand if I take Christmas off


People savvy enough to look at a calendar once in a while may note that December 25th — popularly known as Christmas Day — falls on a Monday this year, which is typically an update day for Uncanny X-Cerpts.

Okay, I don’t post every Monday, but I’ve had a remarkable streak of posting every single Monday heading back to August. It’s been fun (barring one or two issues). I certainly don’t think anyone reading this would begrudge me taking Christmas Day off, nor do I think people would log onto Uncanny X-Cerpts dot Blogspot dot com on Dec 25, find no new post, and be completely baffled… I like to think you’re a sharp bunch who can put two and two together, but I thought I would at least officially announce my intentions to take the day off.

I think you’ll forgive me for not wanting to fight for your attention against Auntie Denise’s Christmas cake and Cousin Louise complaining about the socks she got from your mom. you've got more important things to do, like falling asleep while watching Die Hard at 10 PM.

I'll be back on Dec 28, and then again on Jan 1 with a fresh start to the calendar year. Yes, that is also a holiday, but it's more relaxed and you might be looking for some entertainment after a long night of partying with Ryan Seacrest.

See you then!

Thursday, August 17, 2023

Friday, July 28, 2023

Summer Slowdown

It's been a very busy summer so far here at Uncanny X-Cerpts. Since June, I've written 16,600 words about 17 issues of X-Men, Uncanny X-Men, (and X-Factor and X-Force.) I've been a busy guy, both with this blog and with other things. After all this hard work, and with the world being what it is, I think I've earned a little break. Since the blog's pace has picked up I've been driving myself pretty hard and now's a good time to ease off the throttle and try to enjoy what's left of summer.

There won't be a new post on the blog on Monday, and there might not be one the week after.

I've been having more and more fun with the messy morass that the is the X-Men of 1993, so I feel like I'll probably be motivated to get back soon. It's just always good to give myself a chance to refresh and remember that I'm doing this for fun.

I'll be back in a few weeks. Until then, I'll see you at the pool!

Monday, July 3, 2023

X-MEN #17-19: A Skinning of Souls Pts 1-3


The X-Men's least-favourite White Russian returns as they tangle with a mysterious psychic foe!

Thursday, June 8, 2023

Thursday, May 18, 2023